Hook & Jill: Neverland as never before - Andrea Jones

Other Oceans by Andrea Jones

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Other Oceans

Book Two of the Hook & Jill Saga by Andrea Jones

Published: September 2012

ISBN 13: 978-0-9823714-0-4

ISBN 10: 0-9823714-0-3

Binding: Hardcover

Size: 640 pages, 6 x 9"

"Identify the weapon, and use it first." Such is the code of Captain James Hook, in this lyrical sequel to Hook & Jill. And this time, the turmoil begins not with 'The Boy' — but with a girl.

Ten days out of Neverbay, Hook and Jill capture a ship's surgeon, pressing him to join the Roger. But Doctor Hanover is a gentleman, with a daughter to defend. When Red-Handed Jill shows him favor, his heart is taken prisoner, too. Hanover contrives to deliver Jill from the pirate king, and redeem her to society…as his wife.

But Captain Hook is impossible to escape. Other rivals contend for Jill's red hand, and Hook fights for supremacy with his skill and brilliance. When the doctor's daughter draws Hook's eye, she emulates Jill, using feminine weapons to charm him.

With no word of farewell, Hook vanishes, and Jill is a queen without a king. To hold Hook's power, she must come to terms with each of the dangerous men in her domain. When a challenger seizes command of the Roger — and over Jill — Hook and Jill's dominion will be overthrown unless, as Hook has taught Jill to do, she can identify the weapon…and wield it wickedly.

Other Oceans is an unabashed study in loyalty, vibrant with the dynamics of power. From the pen of a masterful crafter, Book Two of the Hook & Jill Saga delivers all the exhilaration that a clash of wills, hearts, and fortune can arouse.


Other Oceans 2013 National Indie Excellence Awards Winner, Book Cover Design – Fiction

Other Oceans

2013 National Indie Excellence Awards, Winner Book Cover Design - Fiction

2013 International Book Awards Winner - Best New Fiction

Other Oceans

2013 International Book Awards

Best New Fiction

2013 International Book Awards Winner - Best Cover Design - Fiction

Other Oceans

2013 International Book Awards

Best Cover Design - Fiction

2012 ForeWord Reviews Finalist, Book of the Year  - Fantasy

Other Oceans

2012 ForeWord Reviews

Finalist, Book of the Year Awards – Fantasy


2012 USA Book News Best Book Awards Best Literary Fiction

Other Oceans

2012 USA Book News Best Book Awards

Best Literary Fiction

2012 USA Book News Best Book Awards Best Cover Design – Fiction

Other Oceans

2012 USA Book News Best Book Awards

Best Cover Design – Fiction


Other Oceans 8th Annual RWA Passionate Plume Award Finalist, Sci/Fi-Fantasy

Other Oceans

8th Annual RWA

Passionate Plume Award

Finalist, Sci/Fi-Fantasy



Bulk Quantity Book Orders

Other Oceans is available in bulk quantities through:

BCH Fulfillment & Distribution - 1-800-431-1579

Book clubs should contact info@ReginettaPress.com for discounts on 10 or more, or to schedule a reading or a virtual visit with the author.


Other Titles by Andrea Jones

Hook & Jill

Other Islands

The Wider World

Other Titles by Reginetta Press

Hook & Jill

Other Islands

The Wider World

Peter and Wendy: The Restored Text

The Prince of Thieves

Robin Hood the Outlaw

The Virgin of the Sun


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